Birth & parenthood

Natalia Roca

Birth & Parenthood Preparation

Next Planned courses :
May/June: 15.05/18.05/12.06/22.06/26.06


My pregnancy Mentoring

Pregnancy and parenthood is a time of great and deep change. Working for more than 10 years in the realm of birth and in 3 different countries, I have seen that what matters in birth preparation are 3 things:
1- How empowered you feel in your parenthood journey.
2 – How flexible you are in face of unknown situation.
3 – How much support your allowing yourself to get.

My aim through mentoring is to guide you so you can find your own way towards pregnancy, birth and parenting. Deeply committed to support couples and future parents, I’ve compiled my experience as a midwife, as a doula, and as a birth and sexuality coach to create this program.
Whether you have a hospital-birth, homebirth, natural birth or cesearean birth project, you are welcome here.

The four main topics
in my Birth preparation:

  1. Theory:

    Knowing is power! And up-to-date theory is the beginning to know: what’s happening to your body, what are the different options and how to make decisions. It’s a precious tool to feel empowered and to navigate childbirth. The base for any birth preparation class!

  2. Building a tool box :

    Here you’ll find : Pain-coping practices, Hands-on techniques, massages and positions, exercices to connect as a couple. This tool-box will give you and your birth partner different ways to go through labour and postpartum together.
  3. Couple :

    When I mean couple, I mean a Birthing parent (regardless of gender and sex) and a Birthing partner (same). Here we look at some communication tools, how to relate and how to build-up even more trust and surrendering. It’s actually going to be our biggest focus with the Introspection point. Many troubles happen because of struggling to understand where you both come from mentally and emotionally. Aim is: To make the best team ever.

  4. Introspection :

    Finally, Birth is a tremendous changing journey and intuition is your most reliable compass. Through exercises, use of archetypes and birth art we question how to get prepared for the Unknown. We lead deep  reflections about what is going to change, and how you can prepare resources for the months of postpartum.

Birth & parenthood prepartion

Here are all the bases (in my opinion and experience) to get a good understanding of labour, birth and postpartum.
Yet, this program goes deeper than most of the courses because we will also look at what is happening inside of you. Looking at fear, representations, expectations, identity shift as individual and couple.
Through leading postpartum sharing group, I understood how many topics weren’t even talked about so we are going to shed light on important topics such as: management of emotions, how to take the right decision, sexuality and intimacy, feeling lost in your identity.


  The birth preparation course package contains :

  – 5 weekly in-person meeting of 2hours with main focus on discussion, Q&A, practices.
–  5+ hours of videos explaining all the theory you need, pain-coping exercices  and more available as soon as you register (1h+ of videos per module/5 modules).
   – 5 Audio recordings of pain-coping practices
   – 1 visit in the first month after your baby’s birth with a homemade meal.


Program of the in-person meetings

Please note that this is NOT an exhaustive list.
Sessions will be adapted depending on the questions and sharings from the group. This is a two-way talk !


MODULE 1 – Let’s talk about the basics


      • Exploring beliefs and stories.
      • What do you imagine about birth and parenting.
      • How to find the right information for you.
      • Anatomy 101.
      • Pain coping practice 1

MODULE 2 – Labour: from start to fully dilated

      • Looking at the physiology of labour and birth : How does it start, how does labour progress.
      • How to make your safe space.
      • How to manage labour : positions, massage and mindset.
      • How to communicate in your couple.
      • Pain-coping practice 2.

MODULE 3 – Birth & Unexpected events

      • Teaching about the different pain-relief what do they do and how,
      • What unexpected events looks like : caesarean birth, emergencies, inductions
      • How to make a decision: Role play exercise.
      • Pain-coping practices 3.

MODULE  4  – Postpartum for babies

      • First 2hours of baby.
      • What does baby needs : feeding, baby care, understanding your baby.
      • The unexpected event with babies.
      • Pain coping practice 4.

MODULE  4  – Postpartum for parents

      • How to make the most of the first 40days : Recovering and adapting. Making a postpartum plan.
      • How to care about your couple: exercises, talk about challenges, communication and sexuality.
      • Pain coping parctice 5.



Thanks again to the best Doula. She has been next to me from A to Z and thanks to her, the moment that I feared the most (an emergency C-section) is a good memory now.

– Caroline
We decided to do birth mentoring with Claire when my fear about labor reached level 7/10.
Meetings with Claire has changed everything. Claire helped me face my fears about labor and hospital producers in foreign country. Thanks to her experience and unconventional approach changed my fears into self confidence, trust in myself, Baby and in the process. Based on her knowledge, passion and international experience Claire showed us the honest path of labor and postpartum. 
– Paulina



Thank you again for everything you did for us during the pregnancy, we were ready for our baby’s arrival and we made the most of it!

– Mathilde

You have helped me enormously to gain confidence in myself to start this new journey and come out of it stronger.
Thank you for your kind and non-judgmental listening. Thank you for your good advice and your involvement.
– Anna


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Mentoring with Claire is great excercise for guys due to several reasons:
– Claire will help you understand that you are taking significant role in the entire birthing process by supporting your partner/wife both emotionally and physically
– you will feel much more prepared… and when the baby is about to come you are calm and in control of the situation
– you will learn massage techniques to easy the pain of your partner
– Claire will answer your detailed questions about pregnancy, delivery and postpartum
 Personally I find mentoring with Claire a great experience. We spent hours on discussions which made me feel much better prepared and I could actively help my wife during the labour and delivery.
– Robert

Practical information & price

When to start this course: from the 26th week
320€ per couple
Registration below.
Place :  Ehrenfeld – Köln
In english

Calendar :

Next sessions alternatively on Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings:
For birth in July- August:15.05  19h30-21h30/ 18.05 10-13h/ 12.06 19h30-21h30/22.06 10-13h/26.06  19h30-21h30



Birth Preparation course - Booking Request


Please, note that this is a Booking REQUEST and not a definite booking.

I will contact you per email or phone following your request to give you the access details to the sessions, the payment plan and the conditions of cancellation and refund.

It is also for me to get to know you before the classe starts and to know if you have any topic in particular you are interested in, so that my classes can fit the best to the particularities and wishes of each groups.

Let me know your due date and if it is a first child or not. I will be more than happy to read if you have a birth project or an idae about how you would like to give birth. If you have any further question and inquiry as well, please right them here.
