Tantric Love

retreat for couples and lovers

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A weekend workshop
for couples and lovers

2-3rd of November 2024

The retreat

Claire & Stephan are inviting you to a beautiful weekend to experience connection, love & intimacy on a whole new level.
This is a soft, tender, and safe space to deepen your relationship and explore what you know of each other,
and what is yet to be discovered.

This retreat is open to English- & German-speaking couples -read the FAQ for more details.


Photo by Pascal Baetens

The bliss of tantra


Deeper connection

We all want deeper connections. We long to be understood, held, loved, and made love to the way we are.
We want playfulness and lightness, along with deep talks and peaceful acceptance of each other. This retreat is a safe haven for your couple to reconnect with its aliveness and essence. Finding what made you connect in the first place and the new depth that developed over time.

We are always touched when people, in the middle of strangers, dare to talk about what is really happening in their relationship. This is already so healing on its own, and one of the gifts of coming to a couple’s retreat.
We do not assume that couples come light-hearted to couple workshops. Most of the time, we come with our resistances, conflictual emotions, and feelings of disconnection.
This is the right place to find your way to a deeper love.

Over the 6 years of our relationship, we have found  that a fulfilling relationship needs work, attention, care…and tools that were not taught in all the movies, books, and songs talking about love.
We have explored many techniques, and we want to share with you the most powerful ones:
   –  The power of conscious touch & consent.
   –  Ways to deepen an argument right to the point that needs healing and holding.
   –  Making agreements as a way to set your relationship to its high level of love, connection & intimacy.
   –  Finding spaces to play, be curious, and light-hearted.
…. And much more

Ancient Tantric rituals
modern somatic work

We have both dived deep in Tantra and it nourishes our relationships.
But over the years, we also brought along newer tools and technics to helps us
going over the hurdles:
Inner child work, breathwork, communication tools, gestalt therapy practices,
somatic embodiement… and more.
We want to bring you what helped us the most.



To relax in the giving and the receiving. Discovering a new map of each other’s bodies.

Emotional release processes

To clear the way to your heart. Expressing and moving what has been stuck in your body over the years.

Connection tools

Simple connection practices to bring back the connection when needed, and deepened intimacy.




You have a question about the retreat?

Tantric meditations

Play with the polarity, mixing the eros with the sacred.

Group sharings

Being heard and seen while sharing experiences and learning from others.

Communication tools

To overcome the silences, loop of argumentations, and opening to a deeper vulnerability.

This is for you

This retreat is open to couples and lovers only.
You can be married for more than 20 years, friend +, dating, or in an open relationship it doesn’t matter.
What matters is that you both want to deepen that connection.

  • You want to live the kind of pleasure, love, and connection you long for in your couple.
  • Between daily life, maybe children, you struggle to make the time you both need to feel connected and in tune.
  • You want to have tools and techniques to elevate your communication and connection to a new level.
  • You wish for a more curious, playful, and open intimacy.
  • You sometimes feel stuck in old patterns and arguments and you want to find a shift.
  • You know that there is a deeper, higher level available for your relationship, and you want to unlock this potential.

practical information


The retreat is taking place at Raum für resonanz – Ritterstr 26, Köln


From Saturday 2nd at 10:00 until Sunday 3rd at 18:00


Price : 245€/pers

about us

Photo by Pascal Baetens


Photo by Pascal Baetens

We met in 2018 in Corfu during a Tantra Festival and have been together since then.

We both know the depth of our love for each other and over the past 5 years, we had many moments when we felt disconnected or hurt all the same. From the beginning, we have sought tools and meditation that would nurture this love, and bring us back to this endless and deep love.

From writing agreements to diving in tantric meditation. The sharpening of our truthful communication skills to the development of our emotional fluidity and intelligence together. We have explored many things (but not all!).

is a tantra teacher, massage therapist and is dedicated to working with men and couples. He has been running an interior design business for over two decades and has been working on his personal development for about the same time.
He is a certified Tantra Teacher from Tantra Essence School founded by Ma Ananda Sarita (2021).

is a Birth, Love, and Relationship coachShe is a trained midwife who discovered first Buddhism and then Tantra and has left her way of doing her work shifts. She focuses on supporting women and couples to have more loving, connecting, and pleasurable experiences of birth, life, and partnership.
She is a certified coach in Sex, Love & Relationship with Layla Martin.

Frequently asked questions

If you don't find an answer for your question, please fill up the form below and we will answer with pleasure.
nb: There are no stupid questions, only questions.

During the whole of the retreat, there is nothing you HAVE to do. Every exercise/meditation is an invitation. For some processes (for example massage) we will offer the option to be naked. If you don’t feel comfortable with this you are welcome to keep as many clothes on as it feels good to you.

No you don’t.
There might be group meditation where you will interact with other participants but all of our processes are made to be explored within your partnership. That is our focus for this retreat, especially because it is the room to explore: How can I do this meditation with my partner when I feel disconnected or mad at him/her/them?

You are very welcome in this retreat even if you don’t know anything about Tantra!
Our practices are influenced by tantric tradition but we are also bringing many intimacy and relationship tools coming from different teachers & modern sciences.

This retreat is for people in a loving relationship with each other, who want to come together.
You can be married for more than 20 years, friend +, dating, or in an open relationship it doesn’t matter.
What matters is that you both want to deepen that connection.

You cannot come on your own to this retreat.
This retreat is only open for people in a loving relationship with each other, who want to come together. You can be married for more than 20 years, friend +, dating, or in a open relationship it doesn’t matter.
What matters is that you both want to deepen that connection.

We will address sexuality in some talks, exercises and meditations. This will happen very consciously by respecting your boundaries and – of course – without having orgies or public sex.
Sexual energy and play between partners are welcome during our retreat, as long as they are consensual and respectful of the whole group.

Yes, you are very welcome to our retreat!
Tantra plays with the duality of two energies, that of Shiva and Shakti also called male and female principles. It is often shortened to male energy = man & female energy = woman, and in heterosexual couples, it is mostly true.
However we all have a part of both energies in us, and in a couple, we tend to balance depending on the context. The focus is on the play of those 2 energies in a relationship.

Our limit is that we are a cis-gender white heterosexual couple, and our bias is that we only know this living experience. As we teach from our experiences we might say things that do not resonate with you or your vision.

The retreat will be taught in English and German, in a fluid manner as Claire is mainly English speaker and Stephan German speaker.
If you are not German speaker, no worries we will translate all Germans part in English if needed.
If you are not English speaker, no worries! We both speak German (Stephan’s maternal language) and we will adapt to the need of the group. We can always translate if you need and you don’t need to do your sharings in English.
Most of the processes will be between you and your partner; you can speak whatever languages you wish!