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About Birth-Preparation

Reading Suggestion

I didn’t join link to buy the books below if there wasn’t a link directly to the author’s website. Of course, you can find them on Amazon (I do it as well, as much as I try to stop myself) but for personal ethical reasons, it is nothing that I want to be affiliated with or gain money on.

Michel Odent

Any books of Michel Odent really is going to change your way of seeing birth. He is a French Obstetrician that started the natural-like-home mouvment in France in the early 60s. Here's is Birth Reborn, Michel Odent's first book edited in English. At Home, I have a french book called Le bébé est in Mammifère.

Ina May Gaskin

Ina May is a midwife that start when she was part of a hippie community in the 70s and wanted to do home-birth. I have 2 books of Ina May that I consider as Bible : Spiritual Midwife and Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth. They are packed with great Birth stories and the guide is everything to know about Childbirth. Very complete, true and holistic, as much as you want to.

Frederick Leboyer

Another French guy that wrote a very good book about all the practice we can do in hospital setting to provide a Birth without violence for the baby. From dim-lights to the physiology of natural birth. A must-read !

Debra Pascali-Bonaro

In this book eponym from the movie, Debra Pascali-Bonaro gives tips and information trimester by trimester on how to prepare yourself. What stands this book apart in the is the link between birth and sexuality. I haven't read it in much book and it is for me such a central topic !

Robin Lim

Robin Lim leads a Birth Center in Bali and has great insight about birth, pregnancy and post-partum. I always found placenta so interesting and this book is the graal to me when it comes to feel the sacredness and great intelligence of the triade baby-mother-placenta

Pam England

Ina May gives you a lot of birth stories and explanation about the birth process, Debra is your lead to living a vibrant pregnancy and birth and Pam gives you a guide to inner transformation : A map for the Hero you are. I am a passionate about inner journey and you can't imagine ly joy when I find this book !

About Birth