Workshops EN

Upcoming workshops

A Story-telling and Women Circle evening to explore the journey of Motherhood through ancient stories.

Previous Workshops

Birth & Pleasure - 15th of June

Thank you very much for this workshop Claire! Enriching and it was a nice (re) discovery of a little explored side of our profession. It was full of ideas!”

– Lucie, Midwife

“This was so interesting ! I’m feeling so empowered to give birth now! “

Emily, mother-to-be & teacher

Thank you for this great time ! We can feel your passion and it’s really nice because it really sends a positive message about the vision of childbirth!”

Elise, mother-to-be & osteopath

“I would love if every women in the world could hear you”

– Shujana, midwife

One of the most loved topic, this workshop is dedicated to exploring the natural relationship between Birth and Pleasure.

It’s one of my favourite topics and I’m looking forward to sharing my passion for motherhood and female sexuality with you!

We’re going to talk about:

  • Body function and physiology in childbirth, seeing that the same hormones are involved when we have sex.
  • What is an orgasmic birth: all experiences are different, reading some testimonies.
  • How to prepare and where to find more information.
  • Why we never hear about it: a little feminist point.

Duration: 1h30
When and where : Not planned yet
Price: Not fixed yet
Registration: Please fill in the questionnaire below if you would like to be in the waiting list for the next time the worshop will happens.

Registration Form
