How to find the right information for YOUR Childbirth Journey ?
There is no preparation without looking out for information. Knowledge is power. It allows you to know what are your options and how you can make a choice. For that,…
Call it Magic !
Call it Magic ! Birth I mean, and the whole process actually, from conception to nurturing a family. What is it that we are looking with rational/scientifique lens all the…
L’accouchement est sexuel, redonnez du pouvoir à votre corps !
(L'accouchement est sexuel est un texte que j'ai originalement écrit en anglais. Pour la traduction, j’utilise plus souvent accouchement pour Birth puisque je parle du corps de la femme dans l’accouchement et…
Birth is sexual, reclaim its pleasure!
Birth IS sexual. BIRTH is sexual. Birth is SEXUAL. I know that a lot of you shiver when seeing those words together. Some even don’t want to read them together.…
Placenta, Mon Amour : Part 1 : Placenta’s science
Let’s talk about Placenta's Science.Placenta is so amazing that I don’t even know where to start.However (go figure out), Placenta is not much loved in our hospital-centred-birth society. At the…